Thursday, August 6, 2020

How to earn money with Google admob

Google admob enable you to earn from Google by creating an app and add ads to it by sign in
This website is monitor and organized by Google.
To create app and monetize it using Google admob here are the steps below
It doesn't matter if you don't know how to create app by yourself but you can contact a developers that will help you or contact me on WhatsApp 09069058458 I can help you out .
First thing is to sign up to and create your ads units 
Sign in with your email and choose Android as your iOS 
After that click on create ads units 
Name your app before you choose your iOS.
You are to create banner and interstitial ads units 
Name your ads units as for banner name it banner1 and for interstitial name it interstitial 1 but as you are doing it you must copy your ads units codes you will see two leave the first one and copy the second one repeat it again for the both ads units you create
These two ads units will be place your app when you are building your app
Thanks I f you have any questions contact 09069058458 or email at
We are here for you to be satisfied